Service Details


Solar System Installation

Take hold of your power supply by going solar. With the increase in solar system technology, we can tap much more energy from our solar system that was available a few years back. The fact that solar system equipment have become cheaper, better and more sustainable makes the good news even better.
Rely on our solar system engineers to power your home, office, outdoor activities etc and the best rates you can think of. .

Contact us today to get an affordable solar system. A system which will see an increase of your energy supply at a much reduced rate. With us your electricity bill will drop drastically and you will worry not about the very poor state of electricity supply in Cameroon. .

Our Equipments

While we can’t be specific on the type of equipment we will use, we can assure you that we use only the best. The specific equipment we will varies depending on the budget and work scope of our clients.
We can assure you that the end of the day you will join our long list of satisfied clients. .


Give us a trial and we will convince you.

We are eager to hear from you. We promise to take your organisation, activities, endeavours to the next level.